Saturday, January 23, 2010

ORACLE-Find the Time Difference Between Two Steps

Suppose that you have a table which has only one time column. This table is used for collect the datetime for each steps of your transactions. (Eg. step started, step in progress, step closed for each transaction) In this example below the Pkey column is the unique key for each transaction and the second column is the start time for it.

1006/02/2007 10:28:25
1006/02/2007 11:28:25
1006/02/2007 12:28:25
2006/02/2007 10:28:25
2006/02/2007 09:28:25
2006/02/2007 10:20:25
3006/02/2007 10:28:25
3007/02/2007 10:28:25
3007/02/2007 01:28:25

solution 1 :

SELECT u.pkey,u.orderno,u.datecreated,g.datecreated,
TRUNC(((((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)/24)/7) weeks,
TRUNC((((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)/24) days,
TRUNC(((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)-24*(TRUNC((((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)/24)) hours,
TRUNC((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)-60*(TRUNC(((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)) minutes,
TRUNC(86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))-60*(TRUNC((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)) seconds
(SELECT e.*,row_number() over (PARTITION BY e.pkey ORDER BY e.datecreated) orderno FROM table e) u,
(SELECT e.*,row_number() over (PARTITION BY e.pkey ORDER BY e.datecreated) orderno FROM table e) g
WHERE u.pkey = g.pkey(+) AND u.orderno = g.orderno(+)+1

solution 2 :

(SELECT e.*,row_number() over (PARTITION BY pkey ORDER BY e.datecreated) orderno FROM table e)
TRUNC(((((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)/24)/7) weeks,
TRUNC((((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)/24) days,
TRUNC(((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)-24*(TRUNC((((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)/24)) hours,
TRUNC((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)-60*(TRUNC(((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)/60)) minutes,
TRUNC(86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))-60*(TRUNC((86400*(u.datecreated-g.datecreated))/60)) seconds
FROM std u , std g
WHERE u.pkey = g.pkey(+) AND u.orderno = g.orderno(+)+1

solution 3 :

SELECT pkey, datecreated,
TRUNC(((((86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))/60)/60)/24)/7) weeks,
TRUNC((((86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))/60)/60)/24) days,
TRUNC(((86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))/60)/60)-24*(TRUNC((((86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))/60)/60)/24)) hours,
TRUNC((86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))/60)-60*(TRUNC(((86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))/60)/60)) minutes,
TRUNC(86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))-60*(TRUNC((86400*(datecreated-lag (datecreated,1) over (ORDER BY datecreated)))/60)) seconds
FROM table

ORACLE-Cumulative Sum at the Same Line

You can sum the total of a measure in the same line for each section in your row data. For example:

select deptno,ename,sal,
sum(sal) over (partition by deptno order by sal,ename) CumDeptTot,
sum(sal) over (partition by deptno) SalByDept,
sum(sal) over (order by deptno, sal) CumTot,
sum(sal) over () TotSal
from emp
order by deptno, sal

and the result looks like this:

10John1300130034001300 11300
10Michael1100240034002400 11300
10Robert1000340034003400 11300
20Vicky1200120035504600 11300
20Sally1250245035505850 11300
20Harry1100355035506950 11300
30Pavel1400140043508350 11300
30Dennis1400280043509750 11300
30Barbie15504350435011300 11300

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

BusinessObjects-Dont' Ask for Username and Password by Opening Olap Reports

After creating an Olap Report the deafult setting is ask for username and password for each logon. To prevent this and run the report directly is simple.

Go to the Central Management Console. Find your Olap Report from "Objects". Click on to it and go to "Data Source Logon" tab. Select "Logon using specific credentials"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

ORACLE-Merge Command

You can use the Merge command to insert and update at the same time with one query. So you don't need to write a procedure which includes insert, exception and update.

Use of the command;

Merge Into Table1 T1

Using (select * from Table2 where ...) T2

On (T1.Field1 = T2.Field1 And ...)

When Matched Then


Set T1.Field2 = T2.Field2

When Not Matched Then

Insert (T1.Field2) Values (T2.Field2)

Table2 is our source table. Table1 is our destination table.

The fields in the "on" clause are the unique fields for T1 and works like a where clause.

ORACLE-Delete Same Multiple Rows Except One

To delete all the rows which have the same data except one.

(In this example we suppose that your table has same data in ID1 and ID2 columns.)

delete from t1 A

where rowid != ( select min(rowid) from t1 B

where B.ID1 = A.ID1

and B.ID2 = A.ID2)

ORACLE-Get the Values from a Long Data Type Column

long_var LONG;
var_var VARCHAR2(2000);
SELECT text_column INTO long_var
FROM table_with_long
WHERE rownum < 2;
var_var := substr(long_var,1,2000);
VALUES (var_var);

ORACLE-Find Non-Numeric Rows in a Table

Sometimes you want to alter your table. For example you want to change the data type from varchar to numeric. But many times some rows prevents you to doing this.

Find the non-numeric rows;

select nvl(length(translate(trim(column_name),' +-.0123456789',' ')),0) from table_name

where nvl(length(translate(trim(column_name),' +-.0123456789',' ')),0) > 0

tip: by equal the where clause to 0 (zero) you can find the numeric columns.

ORACLE-Create a Calendar Table

Create a table named X which should include numbers from 0 to 9. Let say vals as the column name.


create table calendar as

select (a.vals + b. vals*10 + c. vals*100 + d. vals*1000 + e. vals*10000 )+

to_date('01.01.1900','') date from x a, x b, x c, x d, x e

this will create a table from 01.01.1900 to 10^5 days after.

ORACLE-Find Number of Character in a String

For example, find how many "|" is in "abc|123|wer|123|bnm".

select length('abc|123|wer|123|bnm')-length(replace('abc|123|wer|123|bnm','|','')) from dual